Naomi Yeboah

Community Learning Disability Nurse, Central Community Learning Disability Team, Manchester
I work as a community learning disability nurse to identify and facilitate the management of the health needs of people with learning disabilities, promote access to the services in order to reduce health inequalities, promote safe hospital admission and discharge and help people make informed choices. I also facilitate best interest decisions relating to a person’s physical and mental health, participate in safeguarding investigations related to health, provide and support individuals with health education for themselves and their families to understand their health needs, promote health and well-being through 1:1 work, carry out risk management, provide training for staff, carers and other agencies and assessment of sexual knowledge and understanding.
I would like to understand my leadership style and understand how to be an effective leader. This will benefit the team that I work with as when working with an effective leader, research has shown that people happier, more productive and feel more connected to their organisation. This will benefit me as I would like to learn how to delegate tasks appropriately and efficiently. I like to see a process all the way through and I like to coordinate the process and it’s important to learn when to step back and give others the space to collaborate during the process as ideas and new ways of working can be formed. This will benefit people who use services, families, residents and relatives as this opportunity will help me to reflect on my practice and add to my skill set which will improve the experiences of those accessing the service.