Resilience-based Clinical Supervision

What is Resilience-based Clinical Supervision?

Image of a discussionResilience-based Clinical Supervision (RBCS) is a form of restorative clinical supervision which focuses on the ‘emotional systems motivating the response to a situation’ and includes elements of mindfulness-based exercises with a view to ‘enhancing wellbeing, resilience and improving care’.

RBCS is a facilitated reflective discussion, characterised by:

  • Co-creating a safe space
  • Integrating mindfulness-based stress-reduction exercises
  • Focusing on the emotional systems motivating our response to a situation
  • Considering the role of our internal critic in sustaining or underpinning our response to a situation
  • Maintaining a compassionate flow to self and consequently to others

Evaluation of the impact of RBCS suggests that it can help individuals to develop an increased awareness of the importance of self-care and question organisational practices which impact negatively on staff (including their own) and patient wellbeing.

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The Resilience-based Clinical Supervision resources are freely available for ‘not for profit/non-commercial’ use only. Please contact [email protected] if you are unsure whether your planned use is permitted.

Find out more

To find out more about Resilience-based Clinical Supervision Programmes, email [email protected]