Resilience-based Clinical Supervision Programmes

A programme to facilitate the implementation of a champion and cascade model for organisations:
FoNS is delighted to offer a programme that will enable organisations to develop workforce capability and capacity to deliver Resilience-based Clinical Supervision (RBCS). This champion and cascade approach will ultimately enhance the wellbeing of staff and therefore the experience of care for patients, residents and service users.

We are currently looking at start dates from summer 2024 onwards.

To enable practice development nurses/facilitators, clinical educators etc. and those already familiar with models of clinical supervision or reflection (Champions), to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to implement RBCS (Cascade) with nurses, nursing associates, allied health professionals, students and care workers, across organisations

To support the development of a resilient organisation and workforce who are able to protect themselves from the emotional and physiological impacts of their roles and ‘develop cognitive transformation practices, education and environmental support’ (Stacey, 2018, p. 5)

We are currently offering this programme for organisations (for groups of up to 6 participants, though multiple cohorts can be arranged).

The programme is delivered virtually to a group of participants (Champions), using a web-based platform such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams by FoNS facilitators.

The programme involves:

  • Recommended pre-work (up to 1 hour)
  • Sessions 1-3 (3 hours each) – suggested one week apart. These sessions will focus on both the principles underpinning RBCS and the practice of RBCS
  • Sessions 4-5 (2 hours each) – suggested one month apart. These sessions will focus on the practice of RBCS and the cascade of RBCS within your organisation
  • Opportunity for ongoing engagement with RBCS by creating social media support groups as appropriate

Timings will be tailored to meet the needs of each group.

The total commitment is approximately 15 hours per participant, including pre-work, group work, reflection and evaluation.

Face-to-face or blended programmes can also be arranged on request.

Further support can be arranged with FoNS on request. There will be an additional cost for this.

The RBCS champion and cascade programme is a tried and tested programme experienced by hundreds of nurses across the UK. It is backed up by solid theoretical underpinnings and works well with nurses, nurse associates and other health and care professionals in any setting.

We evaluate regularly and attendees report developing skills in facilitation as well as an increased sense of personal resilience and confidence.

When supported organisationally, our findings suggest that RBCS:

  • leads to an increase in self-care and mental wellbeing and encourages people to prioritise their own wellbeing
  • results in potential savings in terms of sickness avoided and nurses retained
  • enables individuals to move away from being reactive to being proactive and reflective
  • empowers individuals to speak up
  • can be the precursor to wider exploration of workplace culture

The RBCS champion and cascade programme is aimed at those already familiar with clinical supervision and/or reflective practice in any health or social care setting who wish to facilitate RBCS within their setting.

RBCS itself is relevant to any member of the health or social care workforce whose role is influenced by the emotional consequences of personal, relational, or organisational demands for example nurses, student nurses, leaders, and care workers.

An online programme of Resilience-based Clinical Supervision, open to all. This participatory online programme will support individuals to deliver Resilience-based Clinical Supervision (RBCS) in their own workplace. RBCS is a tried and tested form of restorative clinical supervision, evidence-based and enjoyed by nurses and AHPs across the country and beyond.

Maximum group size is 6 people. Book here.

  • 14 November 2024, 09.30 – 12.30
  • 21 November 2024, 09.30 – 12.30
  • 5 December 2024, 09.30 – 11.30
  • 19 December 2024, 09.30 – 11.30
  • 16 January 2025, 09.30 – 12.30

£475 per person


For organisations: £2,800.00 for up to 6 participants. This includes all materials.

If you are interested in learning more about RBCS and discussing your organisation’s needs then please contact [email protected]