Our Governance

The Foundation of Nursing Studies is a charity registered in England and Wales with charity number 1071117 and a company limited by guarantee number 3583949. Our registered office is at 11-13 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0AN.

Our Board of Trustees is responsible for overall governance and strategic direction of our organisation, ensuring it is aligned with its purpose and objectives. The Board of Trustees meets four times per year. Trustees are drawn from diverse backgrounds in nursing, healthcare and business. Our Trustees act as ambassadors and act in the charity’s best interest.

Trustees are not remunerated for their services to FoNS but may claim expenses for FoNS business.

Day to day management of the charity is delegated to the Chief Executive and team who report to the board quarterly.

The current annual report is available to download in PDF format. For earlier reports, please visit the Charity Commission website.

Trustees-Annual-Report-and-Accounts-2022-2023  (PDF 1MB)Building on Success  (PDF 155KB)