The FoNS Residential Programme: Facilitating the development of person-centred cultures

28 April – 2 May 2025

This annual residential programme is hosted by the Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS). FoNS is a leader in facilitating workplace culture change in health and social care in the UK. Our facilitators bring many years of experience working with clinical leaders and teams across all care settings, understanding the challenges and complexities of workplace cultures.

The programme will help participants to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in facilitating the development of person-centred cultures. Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Explore and clarify some of the key underpinning concepts
  • Experience, critique and practise the use of methods and approaches that are participatory, creative and critical
  • Network with others involved in leading and facilitating culture change

Date: 28 April – 2 May 2025

Location:  Sedgebrook Hall, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton, Northampton, NN6 8BD

Cost: £2,050 per person

What’s included: This includes all programme materials, accommodation (Sunday – Thursday), breakfast (Monday-Friday), evening meal (Sunday-Thursday) and lunch, morning and afternoon tea (Monday-Friday). The cost includes accommodation on the Sunday night before the programme starts.

Rooms are single occupancy, with an en-suite bathroom.

The cost of post-residential programme mentorship is £1,250 (for one year). Discounts may be available if more than one participant receives mentorship in the same trust/location (contact FoNS for details)

Previous experience needed: All that is needed is an openness to experiencing new ways of learning and an enthusiasm for exploring person-centred ways of working.

How to register:  Download the brochure, read the terms and conditions, complete a registration form with full invoicing details and email to [email protected].

Residential Programme Brochure 2025

Residential Programme Booking Form 2025

Any extras: You will need to pay your own transport costs to and from the venue and any additional drinks in the evening or alcoholic drinks.

Is funding available: Most participants are funded by their trusts or employers. In some cases, participants have accessed funds from their trust charity.

This programme is designed for any health and social care practitioners who are interested in the transformation of care, services and workplace cultures so that they are person-centred.

Participants may be:

  • Clinical and team leaders, educators or researchers, nurses, therapists or doctors etc.
  • Involved in, or responsible for, leading and facilitating clinical teams, person-centred ways of working, evidence-based care, practice development, transformation of services, quality improvement, practice education and strategic planning
  • Working in any area of health or social care, in the UK or internationally

Key areas of learning include:

  • Growing understanding of person-centredness
  • Greater appreciation of facilitation to enable participatory approaches to learning and development
  • Working with values and beliefs
  • Exploring and evaluating workplace culture
  • Using creativity to reveal and share experiential and embodied knowledge
  • Participating in evaluation as a process of learning to inform development
  • Fostering healthful relationships
  • Engaging in critical reflection and active learning

Other benefits include:

  • Learning in an aesthetically beautiful and friendly environment

The focus of the FoNS residential programme is practical and workplace orientated. But FoNS is keen to offer enhanced support to participants through our mentorship scheme.

Bespoke mentorship for 12 months post residential programme:

  • £1,250 per participant, though discounts may be available when 2 or more participants from the same organisation choose mentorship
  • Mentorship may include face-to-face visits, online video calls, email and telephone access to your own dedicated facilitator
  • Participants decide on their own priorities and targets
  • Consolidates residential programme learning
  • Just tick the box on the registration form

Dear Diary

A Factional Summary of the FoNS Residential Programme Evaluation Report

Sunday 22 April 2024

Arrived. First impressions – Sedgebrook Hall is a fantastic location, not far from Northampton. The staff are very friendly, and helpful. Looks like there’s lots of outside space to explore.

Feeling excited and nervous at the same time. Looking forward to meeting the facilitators – Kate Sanders, Person-centred Practice Facilitator, Foundation of Nursing Studies, UK; Sheila McGovern, Associate Facilitator, Foundation of Nursing Studies, UK; and Maria Mackay, Independent Facilitator, Australia, as well as the other participants.

I’m hoping to network and to improve my knowledge, develop new skills and learn about workplace culture and feel more confident to make positive changes. I want to gain new ideas and to develop and enhance my practice; to be inspired and re-ignite my passion!

But I’m also a bit worried that I might find myself out of my comfort zone and that I will not be able to make a change in workplace. It’s pretty tough in practice at the moment.

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