International Practice Development Journal


Title of ArticleWorking with relationships and boundaries: Part 2 – setting boundaries
Type of ArticleCritical reflection on practice development
Author/sCaroline Williams
ReferenceVolume 2, Issue 1, Article 10
Date of PublicationMay 2012
KeywordsCritical companionship, critical reflection, facilitation, facilitation boundaries, facilitation relationships

Background: While I was acting as a critical companion to a practitioner he disclosed a very personal past history to me. I discussed this with my own supervisor who advised me that I needed to set clear boundaries around my facilitation work. This 2 part reflection, using both creative work and theoretical literature, is a direct response to that advice.

Aim: Part 2 – To explore content boundaries within a critical companionship relationship.

Conclusions: The relationship between a critical companion and practitioner needs to be mutually negotiated, open, honest, non-hierarchical and person-centred. At the same time, the critical companion needs to initially take the lead in setting content boundaries, so that both parties are clear as to what are appropriate issues for them to work on together. The practitioner should be advised to seek alternative support, outside the facilitative relationship, for any identified personal issues that are impacting on their practice.

Implications for practice:

  • Facilitators need specific guidance on both developing relationships and setting appropriate boundaries within their work
  • All those working in any facilitative capacity should ensure that they have their own professional support mechanisms in place

This article by Caroline Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License.

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