Title of ArticleInto a place where thoughts can bloom: a reflection on how raising awareness of our multiple intelligences can support learning and growth
Type of ArticleIdeas and Influences
Author/sGrace Cook
ReferenceVolume 13, Issue 1, Article 12
Date of PublicationMay 2023
KeywordsActive learning, creativity, multiple intelligences

A prerequisite of the Person-centred Practice Framework is ‘knowing self’ (McCance and McCormack, 2021). ‘Knowing self’ includes being aware of our own values and beliefs, and is essential for authentic facilitation. Active learning supports the development of this awareness as it can enable a deeper understanding of our perceptions, emotions, values and beliefs (Dewing and Lynch, 2021). According to those authors, the methodology of active learning has six principles, one of which is: ‘In-depth drawing on the primary senses (including seeing, noticing and observing), and multiple social intelligences’ (2021, p 270). I first became aware of the concept of multiple intelligences a year ago and this article will focus first on what multiple intelligences are and why they are useful to consider. Following this, I will share how I am discovering which of the intelligences I favour and how I can use them to develop knowledge. Finally, I will consider what changes I have made so far.

Multiple intelligences

Gardner (1983) suggested that intelligence was more than just IQ and wanted to make a ‘case for the plurality of intellect’ (Gardner, 1987, p 190). According to Gardner there are eight types of intelligence.

This article by Grace Cook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License.

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