International Practice Development Journal


Title of ArticleMargaret J Wheatley (2007) Finding Our Way: Leadership for Uncertain Times. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
Type of ArticleIdeas and influences
Author/sDebra Thoms
ReferenceVolume 2, Issue 1, Article 13
Date of PublicationMay 2012
KeywordsFeedback, measurement, organisations

My journey with practice development has been unforeseen and unplanned. I have long had an interest in transformational leadership since reading Burns (1978) work in the late 1980s. It was following conversations with Brendan McCormack on one of his visits to Sydney, and more latterly with Annette Solman, that I started to gain a greater appreciation of what practice development might have to offer the workplace and healthcare more broadly. I then came across the writings of Margaret Wheatley, which encapsulated in many ways my own feelings and thoughts on some of the challenges facing the healthcare system. Her discussion of how these might be addressed aligned with what I knew of practice development, and as time has passed this has been further reinforced. I had embarked on a large scale practice development programme of work prior to discovering Margaret Wheatley, however in doing so I found someone who through their writing, assisted me in clarifying what it was that I found resonated from practice development with my understanding of the world within which I have worked for many years…

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