International Practice Development Journal

The International Practice Development Journal is OPEN ACCESS

The publishing world has changed significantly since we began publishing the IPDJ in June 2011. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to continue with the philanthropic approach to publishing that we used and therefore it is with regret that we announced that the May 2023 issue of the IPDJ would be the last. We are proud of what we were able to achieve over the 12 years, working collaboratively with our partner organisations and would like to extend our thanks to all those who have supported us during this time. We hope that sometime in the future it will be possible to create a space to continue to share advancements in our understandings about person-centred practice. When that time comes, we would be happy to share our experiences over the last few years.


Our vision was to be recognised internationally as a high quality and high profile scholarly journal, for professionals working at all levels of systems across health and social care practice, policy, education and research.

Our aim was to support the development and expansion of knowledge around:

  • Person-centredness, person-centred care and practices (including experience, safety and quality) and person-centred cultures (including workforce development and system transformation)


  • Innovative and creative methodologies and methods including practice development, facilitation and participatory ways of working and researching; critical creativity; and related fields of inquiring that transform practices and create cultures where all can flourish

Our commitment was to facilitate the growth of an international community which is open to, and inclusive of, different perspectives and approaches; encourages creative exploration, critical reflection and dialogue; enabling the publication of material that challenges assumptions and provokes new ideas. Additionally, we were committed to nurturing novice authors to publish their learning in a scholarly way through the facilitation of writing partnerships.

Open access

The IPDJ is an open access journal which means that all content remains freely available without charge to the user or institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. All articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Unported 3.0 (opens new tab) License.

The IPDJ was published by FoNS in association with the International Practice Development Collaborative (IPDC) and the Person-centred Practice Research International Community of Practice (PcP-ICoP)

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